Mobile RTB Future Looks Very Positive

After digging into the Facebook Exchange, I’ve gotten interested in the real-time bidding (RTB) industry in regards to mobile ad inventory. That of course includes ad inventory in apps and websites on smartphones and tablets, but the line between tablets and PCs blurs when it comes to Windows 8 devices. However, my interest is partially because eMarketer just reported that in regards to eCPM for mobile RTB inventory:

Mobile ad server and exchange MoPub reported that iPad full-screen interstitials were the most expensive RTB mobile format on their platform, followed by medium rectangles and iPad banners.

Of course a full-screen ad will be the most expensive, but it does show that mobile RTB can draw in big bucks. I wonder how Amazon’s Kindle HD is doing in regards to its new ad offerings? Related to tablet RTB, back in May, eMarketer reported that:

Accordant Media found worldwide RTB tablet inventory volume grew 472% in Q1 2012, and mobile RTB ad volume grew 289%.

I’d argue the future looks very good for Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) that either focus on mobile or have mobile-specific offerings, such as Rocket Fuel, Data Xu, WDA, MoPub, Accordant Media, Human Demand and probably many others,

The Ad Exchange Industry

With Microsoft Advertising, I usually focus on what I call Premium Display Advertising, but Microsoft also offers the Microsoft Advertising Exchange. Keep in mind that eMarketer predicts that by 2016, Real-Time-Bidding (RTB) digital display ad spending will be a $7 billion industry in the US (up from about $2B today), so it is an industry worth watching. Some of this is due to Facebook’s exchange coming online,  but also an assumed increase in video and mobile ad inventory that will be made available in ad exchanges. So, in an attempt to learn more about the ad exchange industry, I dug into Facebook’s new offering: The Facebook Exchange and have created a brief overview of the Facebook Exchange and shared it on Slideshare.